Biometria de Voz

Intelligent Headset: Agility in authenticating data from your device

March 23, 2022

Have you ever stopped to think about how much technology has evolved in the last 20 years?

Let's take an example of progress: once upon a time, a headset had only two functions: listening and speaking. Over the years, new applications were added and this product brought other possibilities of use. Today, these devices have VoIP and voice biometrics support.

Come to know the Epko Plus Premium Headset more about this technological breakthrough? In this article, we will show how voice authentication, a new functionality for headsets, can help your company's adaptation process. Enjoy your reading!

Learn about voice biometrics

In addition to other biological features such as fingerprint or iris, it is possible to authenticate personal data through speech, a resource mainly suitable for call centers.

See a simple example of software usability, together with the headset: through voice, your employee has his information authenticated quickly, so there is a considerable reduction of time at the start of work, as well as the bureaucracy of writing passwords.

Learn more about headset technologies

How is it possible to add more applications to a device to have new functionalities? Through software installed on the user's computer, which will work together with a Felitron headset at the time of the call.

Learn more about headset technologies the resources used in the development of the system below:

  • A Artificial Intelligence (AI): the ability of electronic devices to function according to human thought.
  • Internet of Things (IoT): through technology, it allows any device to access the Internet, such as headsets, for example.

Protect yourself from fraud with Felitron headsets

With the likelihood of someone having access to your data, eventually, there is the possibility of cheating a system. But by using our voice biometrics solution, a highly secure method against fraud is guaranteed.

Thus, your staff's information will be better protected, in addition to preventing outsiders from using your employees' computers.

Intelligent device at your company's disposal

As you know, having a headset that meets the functionalities with quality and practicality is important. Thus, the FLT Lab software through voice recognition and also noise cancellation.

Felitron headsets, from the Epko Plus and X Line, are already able to work together with voice biometrics. This allows you to confirm the identity of your employees at least four times faster than traditional validation.

Felitron: eyes on the future, feet in the present

We are always looking for innovation to improve your business processes.

Want to know more about the smart headsets and other systems developed by FLT Lab?

Visit the website and check it out.

  • melhores modelos de Headset para telemarketing 1

Come to the future with us.
More than a headset, it's Felitron.

About Felitron

Of Italian origin and initially founded with the surname of its creator Giovanni FIORETTI, Felitron was born in 1986 in São Paulo - Brazil, as a supplier of components for the strong telephone industry of that decade.

Know the Epko Plus

Designed based on 30 years of experience, the third generation of Felitron's Premium headsets brings innovations in design, ergonomics, comfort, and durability.

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