December 15, 2022

It is no science fiction or impossible projection into the future. Artificial Intelligence has been a reality for years and is already part of the lives of thousands of people and companies.

Since the first inventions involving this technology, a lot has changed, improved, and become crucial for a more effective and low-cost work.

In telemarketing, technological resources contribute to data analysis and to a better customer experience. Did you know that?

Understand how Artificial Intelligence can help humans and find out how to implement it on your call center to obtain excellent results. Read More!

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Belonging to the field of computing, Artificial Intelligence comprises a group of technologies (artificial neural networks, algorithms, learning systems, and others) applied to machines (physical, software, and other systems).

AI is able to interpret external data and, based on this, perform specific tasks that simulate human actions. In practical terms, AI has the capacity to reason, perceive the environment, and analyze for decision making.

The concept is much older than we imagine. In the mid-1920s, terms such as "robot" appeared in the play R.U.R (initials for Rossumovi Univerzální Roboti), by Czech writer Karel Čapek.

As early as 1927, an "android" appeared in the movie "Metropolis". In 1943, neurophysiologist Warren McCulloch and mathematician Walter Pitts published an article referencing artificial neural networks.

In the 1950s, artificial reasoning structures were developed that mimicked human reactions or behavior in a restricted way. However, it was in 1956 that the American computer scientist John McCarthy coined the term "Artificial Intelligence".

The importance of Artificial Intelligence for businesses

After a century of evolution, AI has reached the corporate world and is present in the most diverse segments and processes. The use of intelligent systems enhances the companies' results, as well as impacts productivity.

The technology improves task performance and can be implemented in employees' routine equipment, such as in latest generation headsets, which promote quality customer service.

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence for stakeholders

In practice, the use of Artificial Intelligence benefits everyone involved, from the company, to its workers, to the end customer.

Check out the main benefits of this technology:

  • Linked to Big Data, it deals with a comprehensive number of unstructured data;
  • Acts proactively to automate complex or common tasks;
  • Discovers bottlenecks, failures, and other operational problems with agility;
  • Reduces errors, which, consequently, will contribute to cost reduction;
  • Helps teams save time and energy on tasks;
  • It delivers customized products and services with more quality and agility;
  • Improves customer service focusing on CX - customer experience.

How can Artificial Intelligence help humans?

That we live in the digital age, you are already tired of knowing. However, having this notion helps in understanding the facilities brought by Artificial Intelligence to the human being.

If in the past it was possible to handle information manually, today, with the large volumes of data available at all times that would be humanly impractical. AI captures, labels, stores, processes, and shares data in an accurate and agile manner.

With the help of Machine Learning, AI also makes predictions and makes sense of information that human intelligence could not. This benefit becomes a competitive and business differentiator, as personalization tends to attract more and more customers.

While it may seem like a harbinger that machines will replace people, this is not the intent of Artificial Intelligence. Its purpose is to enhance human skills and contributions. How?

Based on a previously determined programming, there will be a code that will consider all the captured variables, process this data, and determine a solution for the situation. The human that receives this ready-made answer is the one who will forward it in the best way.

Artificial Intelligence in the call center: learn how to apply and the advantages

With a total focus on customer experience and the improvement of operational results, the application of Artificial Intelligence in call centers has a largely positive impact, whether it is focused on billing services, technical support, or SAC, among others.

One of the ways to implement this important resource is through the equipment made available to employees. Indispensable in companies, the current headsets are one of the devices that already come with the technology and ensure the best possible service.

An example of this are the Felitron headsets powered by FLT Lab, our startup specialized in AI. Through them, it is possible

  • Notify the operator when you are too long without communicating with the customer;
  • Advise the employee to reconnect the microphone and still interact with the customer at the other end of the line (thank the patience for waiting and communicate that in a few minutes the operator will reconnect);
  • Have control of your inventory;
  • Obtain more quality in your calls and monitor them in real time;
  • Keep metrics, such as Average Answering Time (TMA), within acceptable parameters;
  • Achieve more productivity and security;
  • Improve call management;
  • Improve the service with focus on customer experience;
  • Control assets and maintenance;
  • Prevent fraud through voice identification.

Check out our headsets with Artificial Intelligence

Now that you know how to apply AI in your call center, you need to come to know the best headsets with this technology in the market.

The entire Epko Plus and Epko lines offer high-definition audio and a new experience in professional communication.

Also, not to be left behind when it comes to high quality is the X Line, which cancels all noise during calls and promotes excellent performance.


  • melhores modelos de Headset para telemarketing 1

Come to the future with us.
More than a headset, it's Felitron.

About Felitron

Of Italian origin and initially founded with the surname of its creator Giovanni FIORETTI, Felitron was born in 1986 in São Paulo - Brazil, as a supplier of components for the strong telephone industry of that decade.

Know the line Epko Plus

Designed based on 30 years of experience, the third generation of Felitron's Premium headsets brings innovations in design, ergonomics, comfort, and durability.

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